
Mostrando postagens de março, 2014

A drink in a cloud glass

A fé, a crença. O que vem da inevitabilidade? Do passado se tem a ideia, do futuro se faz a mudança, de novo, de fé, de crença. Ao aguardar folha seca em correnteza forte..os olhos se enchem de lagrimas. Raio de sol que passa por entre as arvores, e faz a agua cristalina se tornar prateada. Um brilho tao forte que lhe cega por segundos, segundos esses, suficientes para mudar o rumo de um andarilho...aquele velho que uma vez filosofou explicacoes sobre a vida para um garoto a beira de uma estrada. Magica feita de nao se sabe o que. Os porques da vida que nao existem. As razoes que lhe faltam Na medida em que suas prioridades vao mudando, a folha vem chegando. E e tanto receio, medo, ou mistura de sentimentos que nao tem como se ter certeza de nada, a nao ser, de que se sente algo. Entao a folha chega, e traz com ela a paz que lhe faltava. A fé, a crença Para tanto, o tempo se torna irrelevante. Para tanto o que se tem hoje e o vazio e o cheio juntos, e agua na meta

Looking ahead

It was like... They still dont now how it happened Something like the get together of angels. Todos temos um baú dentro de nós. Neste baú, guardamos coisas preciosas para nós. Mas como em qualquer  lugar em que guardamos coisas, as vezes esquecemos que elas estão la. It took them a couple of looks, seconds, words and laugh From there, there were no turning back, even if they didnt want to see And after a long time, they have opened their eyes again. Entao, em raros momentos nos voltamos para o baú. Abrimos, e nos surpreendemos com o que achamos. Estava la o tempo todo. The come and go of suffering and hapiness They understood what it takes to walk on this Earth Falling from the sky, getting up and all is not never is, it is not supposed to be. O que voce guarda? Momentos, lembrancas, olhares, risadas, palavras, toques, lagrimas, sentimentos... Tudo que vale a pena, trazemos conosco, independente da alegria oo sofrimento que nos traz. O bau s

Captain's Life

What is your biggest fear? Maybe you think it is being wrong about something(s) Actually you can think whatever you want, but... It doesnt change the fact that it is there... Even when you are surrounded by people Even if you love someone, or if you are among friends. The lonelyness is there...the fear is there...the incomprehension is there...and the worst...the doubt. In your guts you know what happens, you dont need to see, you just need to feel...but then you think of greater things, greater...but even that, doesnt make go away that ilusion of perfection...well, perfection doesnt exist...but there are other feelings pretty real..such as jealousy and a bunch of others. So you ask yourself, what makes your fear become real? Lack of words? Lack of the sound of breath, or the  heart beat? It doesnt just let it be, and go as far as you can, maybe you will be impressed how far you can get, or even find that that path chosen by you was the right and eterna

You belong to the sea...your sea.

Hey! Can you see? The light over there? Sometimes it is for learn. Hey, can you also hear the wind in silence? It is for you to listen carefully, it is telling you what you already your guts. What you have on your heart is more than you can imagine, what you have on your mind is never enough to satisfy the desire for knowledge...what knowledge, what a bullshit. From yesterday sings the song...from yesterday...the door closes on your face...fear makes you feel alive...choices have to be made...just let them come...from yesterday the future comes. And then you sit...facing a white wall...trying really hard to think of what you want...and how you want are stupid. The taste of bitter comes into your mouth...same as the, iron of  your blood. And in the end...just one more day goes by...and another night comes...same as yesterday...same as tomorrow. No power needed...just time...just time...and can drown o