Looking ahead

It was like...
They still dont now how it happened
Something like the get together of angels.

Todos temos um baú dentro de nós.
Neste baú, guardamos coisas preciosas para nós.
Mas como em qualquer  lugar em que guardamos coisas, as vezes esquecemos que elas estão la.

It took them a couple of looks, seconds, words and laugh
From there, there were no turning back, even if they didnt want to see
And after a long time, they have opened their eyes again.

Entao, em raros momentos nos voltamos para o baú.
Abrimos, e nos surpreendemos com o que achamos.
Estava la o tempo todo.

The come and go of suffering and hapiness
They understood what it takes to walk on this Earth
Falling from the sky, getting up and all hurt..it is not easy..it never is, it is not supposed to be.

O que voce guarda?
Momentos, lembrancas, olhares, risadas, palavras, toques, lagrimas, sentimentos...
Tudo que vale a pena, trazemos conosco, independente da alegria oo sofrimento que nos traz.
O bau se enche, e quanto mais cheio ele se torna, melhores pessoas nos tornamos, mas nao se engane, nao se trata da quantidade de itens que vc guarda no seu bau, e sim, das licoes que estes itens lhe trouxeram.

The life you once knew is now different, it has changed, because you have changed
Ask yourself, what's comming? And then, let it come. But be sure that you will gry, you will laugh, you will even regreat at some point, and you will be proud of your decisions at another.
Do what your soul demands of you...and only look back to remember good things, or to think about mistakes that you have made, so you dont do it again.

Ontem foi um dia tao bonito...no entanto nao vimos nenhum raio de sol.
A vida que te traz surpresas...as surpresas que a vida te traz.


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