Live, like, love

Once a star finally woke up and looked to other star and said:

I know how its going to funny it will be, how deep, how true, how lasting
it will rain millions of smiles and laugher
and between these smiles, there will be some tears, good and bad, so we can learn how to dry of each other
and at night, when we lay
I ll hear the tum tum of your heart, and you will hear mine
this will be our song to sleep
so we can say goodbye to the moon
and say hi to the sun, that is coming, soon
and when the sun comes, and we wake up
you with your messy hair, and me, all swollen
we laugh
and kiss
and we say hi to the sun, on our own way
kind of cranky, kind of upside down
kind of crazy
but OUR own way
and when we say goodbye in the morning, to go separated paths for a little while, which is a torture and seems forever.
again, we laugh.
because we know that the night is comming again
and with it comes you, to me, and me to you

inspired by YOU

It is so beautiful to see something like that waking up.


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